Banner Bild mit Sprungeinlage aus früheren Zeiten ;-) - Software

On this page you'll find some private purpose programming projects. I don't have much and energy left to write code in my spare free time (but i still love to code!)

WhatToCook Android

  • One-click android app to help me
    • record and save all of my favorite receipes (including csv im- and export and taking pictures of cookbook receipts
    • to plan my cooking week and do the grocery shopping for it with a check-list

Kochplaner.png Including rules like 1x fish, 2x meat, 4x vegetarian, seasonal receips according to the current date, frequency (favorite dishes more often but not every week…) as well as some random receipt-picking voodo. What you still got to do: Record your favorite receipts including the ingredients (for grocery list). The app is in a very early state and only with german interface but already functional.

If you want to try it out, please send me a messsage. It's free, easy to use, secure but not or never ready to publish on an App store.

MailToGuard Windows/Linux/MacOS

outdated (written in the year 2000, Macromedia Flash (later Adobe Flash) was state of the art and this was my first "freeware" give-away. I keep it mostly only for sentimental value

[2021-02-20 Sa] In 2021 there is no more browser support for Flash, the online version will not work any longer. Windows user still can use the executable.


Every webmaster knows that after a new e-mail address is published on a Web page the corresponding account is soon filled up with spam.

Why is this so? Spammers for several years now have been using spiders/crawlers on the World Wide Web to continually search the contents of sites for the “@” character and collect every e-mail address they find for inclusion in their target address databases.

MAILTO GUARD can encode your e-mail address so that it can’t be recognised by spammer tools, but remains perfectly visible (and functional!) to you and the vistiors of your page.

A free executable version (no installation required) for Windows is available as well as this online Flash version for immediate use. There’s also a universal version available for Mac, Linux or any operating system supporting the Flash Player plugin

Deutsche Beschreibung

Fast jeder Webmaster kennt es, kaum hat man seine Emailadresse auf der Website veröffentlicht, schon ist das Emailpostfach mit Werbemails vollgestopft.

Woran liegt das? Seit einiger Zeit benutzen Spammer Emailspider (Crawler). Dabei handelt es sich um Programme, die eine Domain nach der anderen nach Emailadressen durchforsten und alles speichern, was ein @ Zeichen enthält.

Mit MAILTO GUARD kann die Emailadresse so verändert werden, dass sie nicht mehr von den Suchprogrammen der Spammer erkannt wird, aber dennoch problemlos von jedem “menschlichen” Besucher problemlos lesbar bleibt.

Von MAILTO GUARD gibt es eine kostenlose (Freeware) Version zum Download (für Windows, keine Installation nötig) sowie diese Online Flashversion zur sofortigen Benutzung und eine universelle Version für MAC, Linux und andere.

Download (Linux, Windows, OSX)